Camino Days 17 and 18 – Getting Difficult

I didn’t blog yesterday because there was not one thing I wanted to remember about yesterday.  A complete throw away day.  It could have been because it was one long straight 16 mile walk with little in between or maybe it was the awful Jaques de Molay albergue we stayed in last night.  Awful because we were told that dinner started at 7 PM and we arrived at 6:55 and it looked like folks were already 1/3 through the meal.  The lady serving looked at us and told us to wait a bit and thirty minutes later, didn’t even acknowledge us.  Ruth asked her again and was told to wait again and nothing…I had already gone back to the room as I had no confidence in the place.  Unfortunately, there is absolutely nothing else in this town for food options. If anyone stumbles upon this blog that plans to walk the Camino, I would strongly recommend that you don’t go to the Jaques de Molay hostel.  Instead, walk another 3 km to the town of Moratinos as there are plenty of much better options there. But I didn’t know what beforehand. 

Today’s walk started great and I was feeling as good as I’ve felt in a while.  However, by the 20km we were all dragging…maybe because we didn’t have dinner last night.  I did have two breakfasts this morning to make up for it, but that didn’t seem to help.

We made it to the halfway point when we reached the town of Sahagun and we received a halfway certificate at the Santuario de la Virgen Peregrina church.  We then high tailed it out of town and slowly made our way to the town of Bercianos where we are staying at the hostel Rivero, which is really nice.  I hope we get dinner tonight.

Just an observation: I remember reading before I started this about the spiritual nature of the trip and the friends you will make along the way.  There are moments of that and we have met some good people.  But what doesn’t seem to be mentioned much is that it can be crowded…too crowded. And to be honest, you get tired of seeing the same people and hearing the same voices. Particularly annoying are the kids.  You just know that their parents gave them a boatload of money to get rid of them for the summer and they all seemed to have headed to Spain…lucky is.  I hate them. I guess not the best thing to admit on a walk like this…lol. 

Oh, well. We keep moving forward and look forward to our rest day in Leon. We also may finally ship our packs to our next destination tomorrow and walk with daypacks. I hope we are able to.

Some pics from today (none from yesterday’s throw away day):

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