Camino Days 10 and 11 – Hitting our Stride

I’ve been trying to update the blog after each day, but sometimes that is difficult. The last two days we are getting acclimated to the fact rhythm of the Camino. Yesterday’s walk from Santo Domingo to Belorado was not very memorable as the scenery was not nearly as nice as the Rioja region. We are now in the Castillo y Leon region which has nice areas, but I don’t recall seeing any vineyards. In fact, most of yesterday’s walk was near a major highway and it was the first time I used my AirPods to drown out the traffic sound.

Belorado was an Ok town and we had lots of beer, wine and tapas at our hotel and at a nearby restaurant. We had an early night, however, because we did not have an accommodation reservation for the next day. We needed to get up early and take our chances that we would find something and we realized it meant that we would have to walk 30 kilometers or more.

We started our walk from Belorado to San Juan around 6:30 AM. Today we stopped at several small food places along the way and I ate at all of them. It turned out that today’s walk was the best I felt since we started. I had the Holy Spirit pushing me up a relatively hilly walk the entire way. I think I could have walked 40 km today. We blew by San Juan de Ortega and arrived in the town of Ages where we were able to find some beds at the Fages Albergue. We walked close to 30km today. We are sharing a room with two sisters from Boston…Ann and Kate and a somewhat reclusive young guy. Drinking some beers and waiting for dinner at 7. On to the fairly large town of Burgos tomorrow. Things are looking good.

Some pics from the last two days:

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