Camino – Days 5 and 6

We just completed day 6 of our Camino and it was another day of fantastic views. I wish I could say the same about day 5, but it was a zombie walk for me due to the two hours of sleep I got at the Albergue Maralotx. We had a 10 person room there and the guy next to me was a world record snorer. At one point, I fantasized strangling him in the middle of the night. Regardless, the Maralotx has a nice dinner with a walnut salad, chick pea soup and vanilla pudding. As mentioned, the walk the next morning was not fun. The only thing I remember about the walk is visiting the free wine fountain in Estella at the Irache winery. I think the winery gives out 100 free liters of wine a day. In retrospect, I should have had the whole 100 liters myself.

We arrived at our next hostel, La Perla Negra, in Azqueta in early afternoon. The town was very small and the hostel was funky but nice. One of the volunteers was from New Albany, Indiana and we struck up a good conversation about the area. I washed some clothes by hand, had a shower, a short nap and then dinner. The meal was the 2nd best I’ve had so far. Rice, sautéed mushrooms and vegetables, a killer coconut milk tumeric veggie soup, baked scallops on a shell, followed by a sangria for dessert. The lady who owned the place was extremely nice and sent us on our way the next morning with a hug and a bell ring.

Today, we walked to a small town called Torres del Rio. The walk was as rural as it gets, with over 10 miles of beautiful scenery without a town in sight. We finally reached Los Arcos around 11 am and had a coffee and small egg and chorizo bocadillo. We also visited the church of Santa Maria which was extremely ornate and had several periods of art on display…most notably Baroque. We have a great, almost traditional, hotel in Torres del Rio. It has a small pool and I’m about to head down there now. Lots of pics from the last two days below.

My right hip has been very painful since I left Pittsburgh over three weeks ago. I can barely walk when I wake up, but it is almost 90% better when I start walking. I hope it holds up over the next few weeks..

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One Response to Camino – Days 5 and 6

  1. Melanie Arzigian says:

    Do they have massage therapists along this route?! 😉
    Good luck with your hip.
    Your meals sound/look amazing.

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