Camino Day 35 – Nuestro Camino está Hecho.

This was the last day of our Camino. For me, Ruth and Jim, it was the 35th day of our journey, and over 500 miles of walking. I think our bodies were ready for this day to arrive, but it was still a bit bittersweet to come to the end of our Camino. We left our apartment at 6am to beat the crowd into Santiago. We walked the first hour in darkness. This was the first time we walked in the dark and needed our phone flashlights in places. There weren’t many people out, which was nice. There were more hills than expected, but it turned out to be a nice quiet walk into Santiago. I had some emotional moments along the way, thinking about many things and the scope of what we had done in the last five weeks.

We reached Santiago and had a small celebration. We also encountered several friends we had made along the way, including Robin, a minister from northern England. He is as nice of a person as you could ever meet.

So, how do you celebrate walking 500 miles across Spain? Answer: with one of the best Italian lunches I’ve ever had, including more beer and wine than anyone should have in the middle of the day.

This is certainly one of life’s grand moments. I am very grateful to have both the health and means to do it.

I hope I remember how to drive a car.

Some pics from today:

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5 Responses to Camino Day 35 – Nuestro Camino está Hecho.

  1. Stephanie says:

    Incredibly proud of you and will see you soon ❤️

  2. Melanie Arzigian says:

    Congratulations on an amazing accomplishment… an emotional experience, I’m sure. Sending love and hugs. Also… is that panna cotta!?

  3. Nicky says:

    What an experience!!! So happy you made it, and safely. Wonderful pictures as well. Congrats!!

  4. Ted Ropple says:

    Well done, Dave! Congratulations!

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