Camino Day 16 – A Short Walk that Felt Like a Long Walk

Because we had an 18 mile walk yesterday and were ahead of schedule, we only had a 10 mile walk to Carrion de los Condes today.  However, I think yesterday’s walk took it out of us as this walk felt like it was 18 miles.  My hip and feet felt awful most of the way.  We will reach the large city of Leon on Monday where we will spend two days, including our first rest day.  It can’t come soon enough.

Not much notable about today’s walk.  We took the “scenic” route near the river, but I don’t recall anything particularly scenic about it. A long 4 mile straight path over uneven ground followed by another long uneven dirt path through the woods.  It killed my feet and almost killed my will to go on.

There were a few scenic sections.  I think I mentioned this before, but sometimes you reach a landscape where it’s almost like you were dropped in the middle of the technicolor Land of Oz.  The colors just jump out at you.  

But still, despite the challenges and pain, we persevere and keep moving forward. We are staying in a nice place today with private rooms.  It is run by the Phillipian Sister of Carrion.

Some pics of today:

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One Response to Camino Day 16 – A Short Walk that Felt Like a Long Walk

  1. Nicky Andrews says:

    I have loved following this blog on your adventure. Beautiful pictures. And the cathedrals look just amazing. Glad you are persevering through the challenges each day!! It will be amazing to see how many miles were done on your trip. Many so far.

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