Just when Iran was becoming a somewhat distant memory, Derek forwarded his
photos a few days ago. As usual, they are much better than mine. Therefore instead of going through the rest of my photos, I will just post some of Derek’s best. I will try to
add captions to better describe the place or meaning. Make sure to view all 3 pages. Enjoy!
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Wonderful website! Amazing, you went back to Iran. I traveled to Uzbekistan and somewhat reminded me Iran.
It is great to hear from you after such as long time. Yes, I went back with a friend and it was a much different experience. The tour group was much larger and tourism, in general, seemed to be more prevalent. Our tour was not nearly as personalized and we didn’t get an opportunity to do anything unusual—like the trip to the Shiraz nomad restaurant that we did in 2008. I also traveled to Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan in 2013 and enjoyed it very much. We were also lucky enough to visit Syria in 2011–before the troubles intensified–and it was one of my favorite trips. I’ll be visiting Armenia and Georgia later this year. You will have to tell me about some of the trips you have taken since 2008.
After Iran, I went back to Pakistan but it was rather stressful. It was a pitty that I could not make to Khyber pass. I missed a chance to go to Syria earlier but for now, those areas are off limits for me. Instead of risking safety, I visited in Indonesia, Brunei, Vietnam, Myanmar, Australia and Europe, Austria and Hungary. Budapest was beautiful city, and I felt as if I walked through the shadow of the history. Last year, I traveled to Kyrgyzstan and went to Issyk-Kul. It was a huge lake and very peaceful. I also came up with next plans – crossing the Caspian Sea from Baku to Aktau, Kazakhstan or Moscow to St Peatersbug by train. Your plan, Armenia should be interesting but hope you won’t go to near the Armenian–Azerbaijani border – apparently still hot. I look forward to your photos from Armenia! Enjoy.
Kanao–thanks for the update. I imagine Pakistan would be stressful with everything that has been happening in that region the last several years. I like your upcoming plans as Central Asia was an enjoyable destination with much history and things to see. I think I would like to visit the more northern Stans on my next trip. St. Petersburg is also on my list of places to visit. Keep in touch and update me on your travels whenever you get a chance. I enjoyed our trip to Iran and the fact that there was only the three of us made it much easier to see and do some things we otherwise couldn’t.