Camino Day 30 – We Meet Joann and Troy in Sarria

St. Julian Monastery in Samos

It’s hard to believe that this is day 30 of our Camino and the day we meet my sister and nephew in Sarria. A lot of planning went into this trip and everything had to work out perfectly so that we could meet up on this day. Thankfully, we didn’t have any health issues or delays and everything worked out. Their train arrived in Sarria just as we were walking into town. The timing couldn’t have gone any better.

Our day started in Triacastela as we had to make a quick decision concerning the two route options. The longer route was through the town of Samos, where one of the most famous and largest Spanish monasteries is located. We decided on this longer route and the path ran mostly through very small towns and along rivers and streams. The downside was there was no food places open along the way. We did get to stop at a place in Samos, but there was nothing else until we arrived in Sarria.

The monastery was very large and the murals on the walls were fantastic. We had a 30 minute tour (in Spanish so we didn’t learn much) and then made the two hour and a half hour trek to Sarria.

We were starved, so we found a local pizza place and ordered three large pizzas, beer and wine and ate it all.

Pics from today:

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