Camino Day 21 – Leon Rest Day

Leon Cathedral

Did a bit of sightseeing in Leon today as we visited the Museum of San Isidoro and the Leon Cathedral. Both were well worth the small admission charge. Leon Cathedral is French Gothic and has some of the oldest stained glass windows. The cathedral has 130 stained glass windows, many of them very large and it’s stunning no matter where you are in the cathedral. I have lots of pics today, so I’ll just stop here and let you peruse the gallery.

You could also read more about the windows here:

The walking starts again tomorrow.

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One Response to Camino Day 21 – Leon Rest Day

  1. Melanie Arzigian says:

    Leon Cathedral looks truly breathtaking. Congrats on making it to this point in your journey! When you talk about the Maseta, I think about Jesus’s 40 days in the desert… a chance for introspection. And then I thought about the annoying kids on the trail with you, and how that would snap me right out of any kind of meditation! ha! Blessings, Dave.

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