Camino Day 20 – Done with the Meseta!

We are so glad to be out of the Spanish Meseta, so much so that we have tears in our eyes, much like the pic above. A not so difficult 20 kilometers has landed us in Leon. After 5 days of mental and physical anguish, we have arrived back into Spanish civilization and have overindulged in everything that Leon has to offer. We went on an afternoon tapas crawl, toured a few churches and then an evening dinner and drink extravaganza at a Leon microbrewery…the Four Lions Brewery. So, I don’t remember much about today, but I still have a few pics that I included in the gallery below.

We have walked over 300 miles and have another two weeks to go, but we are now very confident that we will be able to make it to Santiago. Another rest day in Leon tomorrow and then it’s back on the Camino.

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