Camino Day 19 – Blah!

When we first entered the Meseta area of northern Spain over a week ago, the first few days were great with very nice scenery. As I mentioned in an earlier post, we wondered why many people skip this part of the walk, well, over the last 4 days, we got the answer. Today was the third or fourth day in a row of a long, straight and flat walk with very little to see. Most of the few old churches along the way are closed. small towns with places to eat are few and far between. Today, however, we finally saw hills and mountains in the distance and that gave us hope that the scenery will be better soon. We leave the Maseta tomorrow and make it to the major city of Leon, where will will enjoy a break day.

We were able to ship our packs today and walk with only day packs. That made the 16 miles of walking to Mansilla more tolerable. It’s the first time in 19 days that we weren’t carrying our regular packs.

We have settled into our albergue, visited a few churches in Mansilla, and have done some laundry. Heading out soon for some beer and food.

A emphatic shout out to Casa di Doru in Mansilla. Some of the best food and service we had in Spain so far.

I wish I had some better pics from today, but I don’t. Still…

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