Camino Day 15 – A Long Walk

Steep decent on our way to Poblacion de Campos

Since we had some relatively short days lately, we decided to push ourselves today and walk a little further than normal.  We planned to walk past Frómista, where most folks stay and settle in the town of Poblacion de Campos. It was a great idea in theory, but a bit of a struggle in practice.  The day started with a 3km walk out of Castrojeriz, then a very step  half mile 12 degree climb back to the Meseta, followed by an equally steep decent into one of the most wide open plains I have even seen. 

The rest of the day, was along seemingly never ending straight dirt roads that disappeared into the distance.  Making it worse was the constant headwind that we had to walk in…all 30 km to Poblacion de Campos.  It was both mentally and physically draining. Once again, not many places to stop for food.

The hotel had a nice hot shower and I made sure that I took enough ibuprofen to deal with all of the aches and pains. My feet were a nice shade of purple after all of this.  

As a reward for the extra effort today, we only have to walk 15 km tomorrow…a little over 9 miles. 

Pics for the day:

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