Camino Day 13 – Into the Meseta

The photo above reminds me of the Wizard of Oz…follow the yellow brick road. This is the day we enter the Spanish Meseta. We left Burgos around 7:30 am after having a fairly decent hotel breakfast. Sine Burgos is so big, it took us almost an hour of walking before we left the city.

Today was a nice walk with great scenery as we entered the Maseta, a high Spanish plain that we will be walking across for the next week as we make our way toward Leon. will will be staying two days in Leon and it will be the first time we use one of our two planned rest days.

Today’s walk was relatively easy except for the beginning and end. Right knee pain to start and to end. The entrance into the town we are staying in tonight, Hornillos de Camino, included a very steep decent about two kilometers from the town. My right knee was screaming. On flat ground and hills, I am perfectly fine. We were able to find accommodations easily at the Meeting House. We are usually ahead of the walking pack and it makes finding a place easier.

We got a loaf of bread today from a tiny bakery in a tiny town along the way.  The whole purchase reminded me of the “Soup Nazi” episode from Seinfeld.  The lady proprietor was very strict with the entire process, including the way she wanted to be paid.  She did not want to be handed the money directly.  The money had to be placed in a small wicker tray or “no bread for you!”

We have a hotel reservation for tomorrow, so there is no rush to get to our next destination  

Some pics from today:

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