Spectacular Day 4 on the Camino

Camino Day 4 – Spectacular Scenery

We stayed overnight at the Alberque Andres in Zariquiegui in our own private three bed room. The hostel was nice and had a bar where we had several beers along with egg, cheese, and pork bocadillos.

We started our walk the next morning with a short, steep hike to the top of Alto del Perdon where the scenery was amazing…a 360 degree view of the valleys below. The majority of the day was one amazing view after another. We took a side road to the 12th century Eunate church of St. Mary. Well worth the 3 km detour.

We reached the city of Puente la Reina in the early afternoon where a celebration was going on. I am not sure what the celebration was about but there were several folks dressed up in very tall costumes dressed as kings, queens, jesters, etc. we bought two pizzas in one of the small shops and at them on the street while watching the celebration.

We then departed for the town of Cirauqui where we will spend tonight. The walk to Cirauqui was a killer as it is a town that sits high on a hill. The alberque where we are staying is at the top of the town. Again, the heat today did not makes things easy. Cirauqui is a town of streets that are like mazes and everything things to go uphill. A very cool town but if you don’t like walking uphill, don’t come here. We already had our beers and some wine at a local bar. We are now waiting for dinner to be served at 7pm.

We are starting to hit our stride and reserving rooms one day in advance. Tomorrow we are off to the town of Azqueta…we think it might be an easier day. But we thought today was going to be easy, but it didn’t turn out that way. Still, a great day…here are the pics:

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5 Responses to Spectacular Day 4 on the Camino

  1. Reagen Mangan says:

    Very cool, David! Have the best time ever. Wish you the best of luck! Don’t forget about me 🥰.

  2. Jackey B says:

    Looks like an amazing trip so far!! Are those purple flowers in your last picture artichoke?

  3. Melanie Arzigian says:

    Beautiful stone church.
    Love these pics. Go Dave!

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