Monthly Archives: June 2024

Camino Day 29 – A Walk Through Cow Country

We continued our decent from 5000 feet above sea level to the town of Triacastela. We started from Alto del poio where our hotel was located. The walk today was short since we did a much longer walk than we … Continue reading

Posted in Camino de Santiago, Europe, Spain | Leave a comment

Camino Days 27 and 28 – A Long Climb into Galicia

Day 27 was a relatively easy walk from Cacabelos to Trabadelo. I think most of the walk was along a highway, but the scenery was still nice and the towns we walked through along the way were fairly nice small … Continue reading

Posted in Camino de Santiago, Europe, Spain | 1 Comment

Camino Day 26 – An Easy, But Not So Easy Day

Today’s walk from Molinaseca to Cacabelos should have been a fairly easy walk for us, but given the difficult walk yesterday combined with the fact that our hotel was across the street from Saturday night party central (little sleep), it … Continue reading

Posted in Camino de Santiago, Europe, Spain | Leave a comment

Camino Day 25 – The Cruz de Ferro and a Demanding Walk

We weren’t quite sure what we we in store for when we started the hike this morning. We started late as I couldn’t find my hat and I think it is gone forever. I think it fell out of my … Continue reading

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