Monthly Archives: May 2024

Camino Days 17 and 18 – Getting Difficult

I didn’t blog yesterday because there was not one thing I wanted to remember about yesterday.  A complete throw away day.  It could have been because it was one long straight 16 mile walk with little in between or maybe … Continue reading

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Camino Day 16 – A Short Walk that Felt Like a Long Walk

Because we had an 18 mile walk yesterday and were ahead of schedule, we only had a 10 mile walk to Carrion de los Condes today.  However, I think yesterday’s walk took it out of us as this walk felt … Continue reading

Posted in Camino de Santiago, Europe, Spain | 1 Comment

Camino Day 15 – A Long Walk

Since we had some relatively short days lately, we decided to push ourselves today and walk a little further than normal.  We planned to walk past Frómista, where most folks stay and settle in the town of Poblacion de Campos. … Continue reading

Posted in Camino de Santiago, Europe, Spain | Leave a comment

Camino Day 14 – Muddy Meseta

Yesterday’s stay in Hornillos was nice and we had a great time at dinner with some of the friends we have made, but the sleeping situation with 12 people in a room was not great. Not as bad as the … Continue reading

Posted in Camino de Santiago, Europe, Spain | Leave a comment

Camino Day 13 – Into the Meseta

The photo above reminds me of the Wizard of Oz…follow the yellow brick road. This is the day we enter the Spanish Meseta. We left Burgos around 7:30 am after having a fairly decent hotel breakfast. Sine Burgos is so … Continue reading

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